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greenhouse gas emission什么意思

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greenhouse gas emission什么意思

╯^╰ greenhouse gas emission-找考题网greenhouse gas emission greenhouse,gas,emission 参考答案:正确答案:温室气体排放微信扫一扫,使用拍照搜题小程序Character of the Greenhouse Gas Emission in the Freshwater Mire under Human Activities是什么意思_Character of the Greenhouse Gas 海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供Character of the Greenhouse Gas Emission in the Freshwater Mire under Human Activities的在线翻译,Character of the Greenhouse Gas Emission in the 。

>ω< DIFFERENT CHARACTERISTICS OF GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSION FROM RICE PADDY FIELD AND PRECISION FERTILIZATION是什么意思_DIFFERENT 海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供DIFFERENT CHARACTERISTICS OF GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSION FROM RICE PADDY FIELD AND PRECISION FERTILIZATION的在线翻译,DIFFERENT CHARACTERISTICS OF Kyoto Protocol and Greenhouse Gas International Emission Trading System是什么意思_Kyoto Protocol and Greenhouse Gas International 海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供Kyoto Protocol and Greenhouse Gas International Emission Trading System的在线翻译,Kyoto Protocol and Greenhouse Gas International Emission Trading。

greenhouse gas是什么意思_greenhouse gas中文_翻译_音标_发音_例句_用法2.〔军.gas:GAS=gasoline.greenhouse gas emission:温室气体排放关注微信公众号:chachacidian,greenhouse gas,即可在微信中查询翻译例句与用法更多例句:A greenhouse gasgreen house 更多例句第1页-cnki翻译助手Meanwhile,the further researches on models should be strengthen for providing theory basis and foundation in making policy of green house gas emission in China. Allelopathic 。

句子中green house gas emission,可以写成emission of green house gas?沪江网校知识库句子中green house gas emission,可以写成emission of green house gas?是沪江提供的学习资料,沪江是专业的互联网学习平台,致力于提供便捷优质的网络学习产品,在线课程和服务。green house gas是什么意思_green house gas怎么读_green house gas翻译_用法_发音_词组_同反义词-新东方在线英语词典Greenhouse-gas emission targets for limiting global warming to 2 °C Revised 1996 IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories.v.1:Greenhouse gas inventory reporting 。

该词条未找到_海词词典Green house gas emissions are leading to climate changes,China is the fastest growing contribute to green house gas emission and we are the biggest green house gas emitter.温室废气双碳词汇:Greenhouse Gas Emission 温室气体排放Greenhouse Gas Emission 温室气体排放“温室气体排放”在中国也叫“碳排放”,一般是指特定时段内由于煤炭、天然气、石油等化石能源燃烧活动和工业生产过程以及土地利用、土地利用变化与林业。

