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Govt steps up heat on GoogleBeijing yesterday stepped up accusations that Google is spreading obscene content over the Internet,a day after US officials urged Beijing to abandon plans for the installation of Google launches unified digital content store_World Biz-China Economic NetThe Google Play store will create a unified digital entertainment destination that combines the company's Android Market app store,as well as other stores including Google Music 。

谷歌中国谷歌中国网站大量传播淫秽色情和低俗,舆论哗然一片谴责谷歌自律不够处理淫秽信息谷歌有难处本次谴责并非针对谷歌“绿坝”真能过滤色情信息?联想淫秽信息丰富,证明谷歌技术很强?对不良信息网站“谴责”很流行百家争鸣精彩推荐Google年度搜索排行榜最新揭晓环球在线消息:2005即将成为历史,Google也在其年度热门搜索关键词平台Google Zeitgeist上公布了三个年度排行。在搜索排行榜上高居首位的是美国摇滚天后珍妮·杰克逊(Janet Jackson)。

外媒:脸谱网对抗谷歌打响网络广告战-中国日报网华尔街也注意到了这一点:脸谱的股价涨了12%,而谷歌基本持平。(图片来源:雅虎网站)中国日报网4月15日电(信莲)据美国雅虎网站报道,马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)及脸谱公司Google removes Israeli Chrome extension from web store-China.org.cnJERUSALEM,July 8(Xinhua)-Google has removed the Israeli owned browser extension"Stylish"from its Chrome web store on Sunday because of privacy violations and private data 。

Google年度搜索排行出炉希尔顿居榜首The"Year-End Google Zeitgeist"top ten lists showed global interest in online socializing and video viewing,as well as World Cup soccer,cancer,autism,celebrities and Hurricane Aarki宣布整合Google Adx及12家行业领先广告平台-游戏-人民网参与此次整合的主要广告交易平台包括谷歌的DoubleClick、AdX、BrightRoll、LiveRail、MoPub、Nexage和Rubicon。通过一系列整合,Aarki可以从全球媒体库中获得极具价值的用户行为数据。

英国女王联手谷歌打造全新个人网站(图)CCTV.com_中国中央电视台英国女王联手谷歌打造全新个人网站(图), 女王当前的个人网站截屏英国女王伊丽莎白二世(资料图)国际在线2月1日报道现年82岁的英国女王伊丽莎白二世一直对高科技有着浓厚的兴趣。近日,她Google Play app store to launch next year in China-China.org.cnGoogle,part of Alphabet Inc,aims to launch the China version of its Google Play smartphone app store next year,according to people familiar with the matter,its first major foray in。

